Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 1

Well, I made it through day one on my healthy spiritual journey. Eating the veggies was no big deal. I had a nice breakfast of an orange and some grapes. Lunch was a veggie medley. Dinner consisted of spinach and shrimp stir fry (shrimp count as fresh fish in my book). I didn't have any coffee. I opted for tea instead. Not bad, right? Lots of water...all good so far.

I went for a 3 mile walk. The sun was shining, it was amazing. I walked at a very steady pace. Even jogged a bit. Has on some sweet tunes. All still should be good. I should be feeling happy and groovy. The only problem is, I FEEL LIKE A RAGING BITCH!!! NO headache, no big stomach pains...I just want to kill someone. Is this a normal feel to cleansing. It is the anti-whatever leaving my body?

As for my reading today. I found out the life is not all about me. Right now, it feels about me but I guess its not. I read that I am created for a purpose. I higher calling on my life. That is a little tough to believe right this moment. I know that I made one of my children cry tonight by telling him it takes him a long time to get ready in the morning. I am not sure if I was harsh or he was sensitive.

Now, I do know what the bible says about fasting. I will try to take some of this to heart. It says that while you fast "Don't make it obvious, as the hypocrites do, for they try to look miserable and disheveled so people will admire them for their fasting. I tell you the truth, that is the only reward they will ever get." Matthew 9:16

Sure, this is not some 40 days in the desert like Jesus or Moses did, having nothing at all. I am not starving my body of everything. I am just not having meat or fast food for peets sake. This should not be all that hard. And really, it wasn't TODAY. Then the kids came home. Life started again. Yet, I am still feeling very edgy inside. I don't want to seem miserable or disheveled. I am doing a good thing for myself. I am spending time trying to focus on bigger things than what I am going to eat. I am trying to refocus on the gift of life that I have been given. To remember that I am blessed to be healthy. To treat my body as a temple. I JUST SUCK AT IT!!!!

I took a nice long bath to refocus. I spent a good amount of time breathing. That was good. I have purged all my emotion out. That too is good. Oh, and the kids are asleep. Do I feel peace and harmony entering my world again...I THINK SO! OK, I am ready for another day!