Sunday, February 28, 2010

The 40 day Challenge

Starting tomorrow, MARCH 1, 2010... I will go where no one has gone before. OK, others have gone there, I just haven't. To start it off with "where I have never gone before" just didn't have the same ring. For the last few months I have been pretty faithful with paying attention to what I eat. I worked the low-carbohydrates and really enjoyed it. I am still down 17 pounds. Considering the weather, I am very proud of that.

Since I am the kind of person to constantly challenge myself (stop it!!! I can hear you laughing), I have decided to embark on a 40 day challenge. This challenge is not for weight loss. I am not asking for advise on this one either. This is purely for your information and my documentation. This challenge has all the elements that I have been working on. All area are going to be cover, MIND, BODY and SPIRIT. This is a pure lesson in mind over matter. This will be one worth following on my blog. I believe that this is going to test me to my core. I have to get back to the idea that food is fuel. Food was created to give us the energy we need to live the life we choose. I am choosing to detox my body. I am also choosing to starve my flesh of my inner urges. So, here it is:


Only eat fresh fruit and veggies. Canned and frozen are only allowed if they are 100% organic. No preservatives are allowed.

I will give up coffee...WHAT? you say...It's true. Tea is for me.

No refined flour, sugar or really anything white.

No dairy.

No meat, fish will be allowed if it is fresh.

40 minutes of exercises a day AT LEAST.

and the most important I think, reading 40 DAYS OF PURPOSE again.

I think that doing this simultaneously with Lent will help it to be more then just a challenge but a spiritual adventure as well. Please be thinking of me and pray for me as you see fit. I will write everyday to document this.

Now I am going to take down a bag of Doritos as a GOOD BYE to my flesh...YUMMY...SALTY.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Back by popular demand...

Hello my adoring fans! Have you missed me??? Here is where I sit for today. I have been doing the low-carb method. After reading about how carbs are turned into sugar, studying all the hidden sugar in our food, and my families diabetes history, this is the choice I have made for myself. It works great for me.

I have been losing at a pretty steady pace. I dropped a pant size. I am weighing in at 204 right now. That is very close to my first goal of riding below the 200 mark. After you do low-carbs for too long, your body kind of stops losing. To counteract that affect, I took at few days off. I went on an amazing trip to Vegas with my sister and niece. I chose to "drink" my carbs. I still ate moderate, watching the sugar. Good news...after not weighing in (and not really monitoring my food) I didn't gain. Success!

Today is Monday and I am back on my 14 days "carb cleanse" period. I am for sure feeling better about myself. I have starter really taking time in getting ready for the day. I am dressing better, feeling better, looking better.

This blog can get a little cumbersome at times. I am not sure if anyone is reading it. I feel as though I am 8 years old writing in my diary. I guess that is why I stopped writing. What I have come to figure out is that this blog is not for you. It is for me. This is a way for me to remember what it feels like. To go on this crazy journey and look back. To see the moments when I am high on life...and those moments when I am so low I can't stand.

As for today, I am high. There have been some eye openers. I realize that there are friends who don't invite me places because of my weight. That there have been times when I wasn't asked to be in things because the dress wouldn't have looked right in the pictures. There have been those who thought that I was weak or lazy because of my size. Those whose don't even think to ask me to go for a walk because I obviously couldn't make it. It has been an eye opener to see what people think of you because of size. It is time to show you, them and me that we are all wrong. Enough rant...that is not what this is about.

I am on track and really happy about my progress. Thanks for the support.